Saturday, November 12, 2011

Been awhile, not much has happened

Posts have been few and far between in the mountains realm.

First off, no mountains trip this past fall, the mountains tournament has been at a stand-still for quite some time now. Not sure if we'll ever have the numbers to have a good tournament again.

The Mountains Challenge baseball fantasy league came and went. My 3 year reign of awesomeness came to an end in the first round of the playoffs. Where after dominating all season, my team decided to take a week off and I lost to Bronx Bombin'. The Bi-Winners came back and finished out the season with a 3rd place finish. The Championship was won by a pizza eating ginger, he probably cheated somehow. Gingers normally do. Below you can see the championship playoff tree and final standings.

The Mountains Fantasy Football League is underway. Think I'll do a power ranking on that after this week, right now the Dingleberries are leading the way with a 7-2 record in The Tops Division, Chain Gang is leading the Power Bottoms division with a 6-3 record. Only 5 more weeks to play.

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Tomato Festival Beer Chug

The 2011 Tomato Festival Beer Chug including last year's winner, Neal, newcomer Freddie, and veterans Paul and myself (Doug). This was not even a contest. Neal kicked our butts plain and simple. Had he not stopped on his last beer, he would have finished in under a minute. I need to practice a new technique if I want to win next year. I have to say I thought I was fast finishing in under 2 minutes. Wrong. I'm slow. Neal had us beat early and there was really no way to catch up. Fred finished 1 beer, I had followed through and finished my 6 beers, just for pride at that point.

Can't wait until next year, hopefully I can line up some more people to compete.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

YouTube Page

Check out the Mountains YouTube page, or as I like to call it Mountainstube.

You'll get so see some great footage we captured like this.

How to properly light a match.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Updates and What not

Wow. It's been way too long. No update on this blog since the Beer Chug back in July.

The Fall tournaments have not happened, since attendance has been minimal. There's really no point in even attempting the tournament, it just wouldn't work.

But we did have the Mountains Fantasy Football League, which was won by Paul. Good for him. We had enough to split the league into 2 divisions The Tops and The Powerbottoms. Here you can view the standings for yourself.

Jason (the Comeback Kidz) dominated all season long, even the first round of the playoffs. His team took the worst time to take a dump on him in the Championship game. Not million dollar belt for Jason! Paul gets the damn belt again. Bastard.

I've also updated the blog design a little too, I'll have to throw up a post here once a month. That's my goal this year.