Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Spring 2007 Tournament Results

Spring 2007 Tournament Results

Poon took the early lead, defeating both Paul and Doug. Then Doug finished Paul, but had to beat Poon twice in order to win the Horseshoes. Poon had never been defeated Tournament play, but alas he was, defeated twice by Doug.

Final Results:

Homerun Derby
The ground was a little soggy, the wind was blowing a tad, and the sun was burning Poon's skull. Doug took the lead and never looked back in round 1, Poon went down fast in Round 1, seems like his Ramen Noodles weren't working at all. Paul was mediorce like the NY Giants. Round 2 was a different story, Poon found his groove and was rocking the ball over the house, but his total was too low. Paul and Doug tied for 2nd, but in the tiebreaker round, Doug had nothing on Paul. But overall Doug had the highest total.

Round 1
1-Doug - 11
2-Paul - 9
3-Poon - 4

Round 2
1-Poon - 14
2-Paul - 12*
3-Doug - 12
*Paul won the tiebreaker for 2nd place 5-3

Final Totals
1-Doug - 23
2-Paul - 21
3-Poon - 18

Madden Challenge
Enter Larry and Guido, the only event they could really participate in. Guido had 2 losses to Larry and Poon, so he was gone. But Poon lost to Larry, twice! This was the end of Poon's horrible reign of Mountains Tournament Champion, his pathetic play against Larry was unspeakable! Paul needed overtime just to beat Larry, knocking Larry out of the Madden Challenge. The stage was set for a showdown, Paul vs. Doug. 1 match was played, well because playing 3 would have taken too long and it was figured out that Doug was the Tournament Champion no matter who won the Madden Challenge between Doug and Paul. So Paul won. yippee.

Final Results:

Mountains Spring Tournament 2007 Final Standings:

Image of a True Champion